Find Your Shadow

FIND YOUR SHADOW is a program that was created to help children with EPP live their dreams...with a little help from us! We're happy to announce our family recipients for 2021's FIND YOUR SHADOW project and this year we are going to help more families, more wishes and bigger and better than ever! Between fulfilling long dreamed of personal trips to retrofitting homes and even going international for the first time, Shadow Jumpers and the APF can't wait to finish off the year taking down the sun with all of our new families! Check back to learn more about these amazing stories.



2021 Recipients 

The Campbell Family from Massillon, OHIO
The Tonhaeuser Family from Hartford, WISCONSIN
The Zamora Family from Orcutt, CALIFORNIA
The Ludwig Family from Northern Cambria, PENNSYLVANIA
The Chadwick Family from the UNITED KINGDOM



Previous Recipients


FAMILYLOGO“Thank you so much to Shadow Jumpers for helping us re-do our Disney trip a few years ago when our daughter Morgan got a terrible reaction. Their knowledge of where to stay, what to wear and how to balance out our days really made this the safest (and most fun) vacation we have had. The tour guide they set us up with was knowledgeable about our EPP and took us through so many different ways around the park to combat the sun. The resort they picked for us was with EPP in mind, having a late-night water park that our kids happily took advantage of. As we shadow jumped over the course of our long weekend, we even got help in the form of perfect rainy weather here and there. We’re so excited to see who Shadow Jumpers helps next!”


FAMILYLOGO“Our Find Your Shadow trip was out of this world. Initially, the kids felt a little self-conscious like normal but as the fun began, they got so sidetracked by the excitement and thrills of being on our sun proof vacation at Disney. Our VIP tour guide was very conscientious of the kids’ EPP. He kept them in the shade and had UV protective umbrellas to keep them blocked when walking about. He was so considerate, fun and knowledge. He absolutely made the experience something we will never forget. Shadow Jumpers put us in a suite in Animal Kingdom so we could watch the animals from our balcony (and more importantly, in the shade and out of the afternoon sun"