Heme Basics with Dr. Philiips

  • Friday, September 11, 2020

We are excited for the upcoming APF educational sessions via Zoom "Heme Basics with Dr. Phillips".

Join us on - TONIGHT!

Thursday, September 10, 2020 at 7:00PM ET, for this Virtual Event via Zoom.

Porphyria researcher and expert, Dr. John Phillips (University of Utah), will join us to present on Heme Basics - helping patients (in layman terms) understand the scientific basics of porphyria and the heme biosynthetic pathway.

Email Edrin Williams, Director of Patient Services, at edrinw@porphyriafoundation.org to request the registration link!

Next up:

Nutrition and the Acute Porphyrias with Dr. Bonkovsky

Mark your calendars for OCTOBER 7, 2020