With over 500 attendees from 59 countries, the ICPP meeting held in Milan, Italy, September 8-11, was a global success! The Congress began with a Patient Day, where patient advocacy groups collaborated on the APF's work and participated in lectures. The scientific program included three days of presentations from scientists, researchers and clinicians. The APF will share detailed information and key learning points from the Congress over the next several weeks.
Dr. Bruce Wang, Porphyria Expert at UCSF, and American Porphyria Foundation Protect the Future physician, has won Best Presentation at ICPP for his excellent work titled “Single Cell Transcriptomic Analysis of Hepatocytes in a Mouse Model of Porphyria Cutanea Tarda.” Dr. Wang collaborated with B. Patkar, D. Burhan, and J. Phillips. The presentation was selected from 118 abstracts from 27 countries that were submitted for presentations and posters. Congratulations Dr. Wang!