Are you currently using Panhematin® to prevent acute porphyria attacks? If so, we need YOU!
Dr. Karl Anderson, esteemed Porphyria Expert at The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas is currently seeking patients for a Panhematin® Prevention study. The purpose of this study is to determine if Panhematin® is effective for prevention of acute attacks of porphyria. We are seeking 20-30 patients who currently receive prophylactic preventative heme treatment. You may be receiving heme weekly, bi-weekly or once a month and have successfully prevented attacks.
Participation in this study will involve traveling to the study site for participation. Travel to the study site will be included.
We can’t do this without you! In order to secure ongoing funding, we urge you to participate if you are able.
If you are interested in participating, please contact Edrin via email ( or by phone at 1-866-APF-3635 to be connected with a research coordinator.