Make an impact on federal policy from close to home.
Share your rare disease story.
Meet other rare disease advocates.
WHEN: August 3 to September 7, 2020
WHERE: The local offices of your Representative and Senators (Virtual meetings may be held if in-person meetings are not possible).
WHAT: Rare Disease Legislative Advocates (RDLA) staff organizes meetings for rare disease advocates with their Members of Congress and/or the Member's staff. The meetings take place in the Member's state or district office during the month of August, while Congress is in recess from August 3rd to September 7th, 2020. The RDLA team also helps to prepare advocates for their meetings, provides legislative resource materials, and hosts pre-meeting training webinars.
No prior experience necessary.
Registration for this event and all RDLA events are free for rare disease advocates.
SAVE THE DATE: The Rare Across America training webinar will take place on July 9th at 2:00 pm EST and a special Social Media training webinar will take place on July 14 at 1:00 pm EST.
For more information, visit or contact RDLA Program Director, Shannon von Felden, at