Drug Safety

The Safe/Unsafe Drug list for patients with AHP or Acute Porphyrias (AIP, VP, HCP and ADP) is a critical resource. It plays a vital role in ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals living with this rare disease. This information is provided to prevent unnecessary suffering, hospitalizations, and medical complications for patients.

This database contains expert assessments of the potential of drugs to trigger attacks or worsen the symptoms of AHP, or Acute Porphyrias (AIP, VP, HCP & ADP), based on the available evidence by experts and physicians However, this evidence is not always complete, and some medications affect individual patients differently, which may lead to some degree of uncertainty.

The information provided on the Safe/Unsafe Drug Database pertains only to the risk of an attack of AHP, or Acute Porphyrias, associated with medication. General safety issues should be reviewed with a medical provider before taking medication.

Please note that these drugs are based on reports from patients and physicians. They may change as evidence is submitted to experts and validated by physicians. The information in the database is meant as guidance to health care professionals. It must be made clear that the prescription of drugs to a patient with acute porphyria is entirely at the risk of the physician in charge. The APF cannot validate any of the drugs, nor do we have staff who have this expertise."


Safe/Unsafe Drug Database

Access Safe/Unsafe Drug Database


Report a Bad Reaction

If you have an Acute Porphyria ( aip, hcp, vp, adp) and have experienced a bad reaction to a Medication, please report it to the APF by calling Toll Free 866- APF -3635 or emailing general@porphyriafoundation.org. Please be prepared to describe the reaction. If photographs can help describe the reaction, please send the photos to general@porphyriafoundation.org.


Additional Drug Safety Resources

Nordic Drug Database

NAPOS Drug List

UK Porphyria Medicines Information Services Safe List

Mobile Web App: Includes the APF, Nordic, and Cape TownDatabases.


Access other APF resources!

The American Porphyria Foundation website offers comprehensive information on the porphyrias and the latest updates and news stories, such as:

Learn about research opportunities
Read the latest news and updates
Access the Emergency Room Guidelines for Acute Porphyrias